♦ First of all, open a browser and type www.cyberdeveloperbd.com. And login Client Area using your email and password.
♦ Example: Here are two domains. I want to create webmail at this domain, “razibahsan.info.” So I clicked on the cPanel logo for this domain name.
♦ Now I click on Email Accounts from Email Options.
♦ Click the +Create button to create the webmail account.
♦ Now I am creating web mail with a username and strong password.
♦ Click the +Create button.
♦ A webmail account has been created here with the name info@razibahsan.info
♦ Now I am clicking on the Check Email button to check it.
♦ Select RoundCube and open it.
♦ Now you can successfully use this email account.
Thank you.